Time goes by
so fast. I miss the time when I was a child and time always seemed so slow. A month until Christmas felt like forever and summer's three month vacation felt like a lifetime of fun. Life seemed so much more enjoyable. Maybe that is one of the great keys to happiness - learning to always have a child-like view of time. Make the most of our time, don't throw it away in the hustle and bustle of today's fast paced lifestyle. Life is not a race, it's a journey, take time to enjoy it. On the other hand I remember the days when being grounded for a day seemed like an eternity. When it comes to the negative aspects of life for example: illness, pain, grief, any trials and tribulations...rush hour traffic...these are the times we need to have a God-like view of time. D&C 121:7-8 "..thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment, and then, if thou endure it well God shall exalt thee on high."
You are so good Tiff! I love your insights. :)
What a beautiful post! Thank you! I am adding you to my blogroll! :-)
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